One question I get from homeowners is, are they stuck with a flat color scheme? Many people seek something unique that adds a little flair or personality to their walls and home. While some painters only know how to paint solid colors, the better professional painters, like your favorite Temecula painter, can apply other techniques to help set your home apart.
Chalkboard Paint
Chalkboard paint is a great way to get added functionality to your walls. With chalkboard paint, any surface becomes a writing space. This is ideal for creating designated areas for kids to draw on the wall and making spots you need to scribble down notes on without having to dig around for paper. Kitchens are a great spot, as you can have an area to write down grocery lists, reminders, recipes, or daily to-do lists. Offices can have a built-in wall calendar or reminder space, and those who home-school children can easily create a traditional blackboard.
Faux Finish
Faux-finish painting is always a popular choice for homeowners. With proper application, your walls look elegant with minimal effort. All you need is an earthy or darker primary coat color, then sponge over it with a glazed paint coat. Using the sponge and then glazing over the base coat creates a smooth, textured finish that makes the wall look much more expensive than it is. The effect works great in bathrooms, dining rooms, and entryways.
Dry Brushing
A technique you can use to soften a room’s texture is dry brushing. First, the base coat is applied. After it dries, a second coat is put on, but this is where it changes. This coat you only use the smallest amount of paint possible on the brush. You create contrasting colors and styles by creating soft, angled strokes and then carefully painting over them. Make a third pass at an intersecting pattern with a light color or even a shade of white for maximum effects.
White Wash
It works best on wood, although you can whitewash other hard surfaces. The look white wash painting achieves a “distressed” or “faded” look. As the name suggests, the color texture comes from white or light gray/off-white paint colors; however, if you still want a touch of color, you can use a base coat with color first before adding the whitewash. Combining latex paint with water creates a streaking effect, leaving the surface with its classic distressed look.
And if you want to add texture and personality but aren’t comfortable trying to do it yourself, call us! Our team has the experience you need to achieve the look you desire. There’s a reason why we’re the best painter in Temecula! You don’t have to take our word for it. Read our reviews on Yelp and Google. Contact us today to schedule your free estimate.