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Painting an accent wall is a great way to add a pop of color and visual interest to any room in your home. Whether you want to create a bold statement or add a touch of texture, painting an accent wall can transform the look and feel of a space. The best part is that it’s a relatively easy and affordable DIY project you can do yourself with just a few essential tools and materials. Here is our step by step guide to paint an accent wall!

    Choose the right wall

    The first step is to choose the division you want to paint. Typically, the accent wall is the one that catches your eye when you enter the room or the one that serves as the focal point of the space. This could be a wall with a fireplace, a TV, a piece of artwork, or simply the wall opposite the main entrance.

    Please select the right paint color

    Once you’ve chosen the wall, it’s time to select the right paint color. You can choose either a color that complements the existing color scheme in the room or one that contrasts with it. You can also experiment with different shades and hues to find the right color that suits your taste.

    Prepare the wall

    Before painting, you must clean the wall and fill any holes or cracks with the spackle. Sand the wall lightly to create a smooth surface, and then wipe it down with a damp cloth to remove any dust or debris.

    Tape and protect

    Use painter’s tape to mask off any trim, baseboards, or ceiling edges that you don’t want to paint. Cover the floor with a drop cloth or plastic sheeting to protect it from drips and spills.

    Prime the wall

    If you’re painting over a dark or bold color, you may need to apply a coat of primer before painting to ensure the new color adheres appropriately. Otherwise, you can skip this step and go straight to painting.

    Paint the wall

    Cut in around the edges with a brush, then use a roller to paint the rest. Apply the paint in thin, even coats, and use a second coat if necessary to achieve the desired depth of color.

    Add texture

    If you want to add texture to your accent wall, use a textured roller or a sponge. Apply the surface like you would paint, using thin, even coats.

    Remove the tape

    Once you’ve finished painting, wait for the paint to dry completely before removing the painter’s tape. This will help ensure that you get clean, crisp lines.

    Enjoy your new accent wall

    Step back and admire your newly painted accent wall! You can now can boast the unique focal point of your room and experiment with different ways to decorate and accessorize around it.

    In conclusion, painting an accent wall is a fun and easy DIY project that can transform the look and feel of any room in your home. By following these simple steps, you can create a bold statement or a subtle touch of texture that reflects your style and enhances the overall aesthetic of your space. So why not give it a try and see the difference it can make? 

    Want to see more ideas of the different type of accent walls.  Check out these pictures by Architectural Digest “19 Accent Wall Ideas That WOW”.  Now Colors can be some of the hardest things to choose from, here is another blog about Interior House Painting.

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