Repairing and Restoring Your Water, Flood or Mold Damaged Drywall

Temecula and Murrieta houses aren’t built to withstand the random dumps of rain we endure. The sun and heat damage our window seals and create gaps for rain to get in. You never know it’s damaged until it’s too late. Have no fears there are a few steps to fix the damage and prevent more damage in the future. Below you will find more information about water damaged drywall repair and restoration.

Wall Works- beofre and after drywall water damage    Drywall repair before and after by Wall Works

Managing Water Damaged Drywall

While it is true that drywall is a really sturdy and durable material it does not mean it’s indestructible. The key to managing flood damaged drywall is to gain an understanding of the kind of damage that you have. For instance, some households don’t necessarily have mold on the drywall. Keep in mind mold wont grow after getting wet once. Mold only grows when an area continually is wet. 

For starters, having mold on drywall is often an indication of a more serious problem. If you don’t engage in an effective mold removal from drywall you are actually risking the formation and aerosolization of spores. What this means is that these molds are releasing microscopic particles in the air which you and other members of your family can inhale. If you have a family member who has respiratory allergies, these spores will trigger an allergic reaction. As such, it’s best to have the damaged looked at so better understand the problems you could have.

Water Damaged Drywall Repair

A simple hole in the drywall can have an adverse effect on its overall integrity. That is why it is imperative to fix a damaged wall immediately. You can easily patch drywall with appropriate materials and skill. If you’re not sure if you are capable or even have the time to patch it yourself. It’s time to schedule your free estimate with Wall Works who will give an accurate estimate and scope of work. This way you can decide on whether to repair hole in wall yourself or to have a professional repair your wall.

Initiating an effective flood damaged drywall repair can be quite challenging. This is especially true if you’re not really well-versed with the various aspects of drywall repair. For this reason a professional can help you repair your walls and ceiling that have been damaged. Having a professional look at your job will also help you know what truly needs to be repaired or just repainted. Wall Works prides ourself on our work and our integrity. We wont repair something that doesn’t need to be. Maybe your ceiling or wall needs a stain blocker instead of a full repair. Our estimator will wall you through your different options during your estimate. 

Water Damaged Drywall Restoration

If you think it’s enough to perform drywall repair, that’s where you’re wrong. You also have to engage in more meaningful drywall restoration.

Wall Works drywall water damage repair    Drywall repair before and after pics by Wall Works

For instance, while drywall mold repair will help you eliminate the risk of spore-formation, often enough you may need flood restoration. You see, removing mold from your wall is just one step of the process. Returning your wall to its previous appearance to make it better is also a critical step in the overall management of flood damaged drywall.

Restoration should not be confused with a simple drywall repair. In restoration, you will have to study carefully how the water damage has affected the overall integrity of the wall. In drywall repair, you are actually stopping the problem from getting worse. On the other hand, drywall restoration involves the rehabilitation of your wall so that it returns to its former glory.

Having either a drywall or restoration company come give you a quote or referral is important. You don’t want to dive into an expensive restoration if it’s not needed. It’s important to trust the company you choose. 

If you’re having issues in repairing and restoring your water damaged drywall you can give us a call or e-mail. All our estimates for the Temecula and Murrieta Valley are completely free. You’ll have the opportunity to chat with a drywall and painting professional in order to make the best choice for project.