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Creating a cohesive color scheme throughout your home or office can be challenging, but it’s essential for creating a harmonious and visually appealing environment. A cohesive color scheme can tie together different rooms and spaces, making sense of flow and continuity. This blog post will explore tips and tricks for creating a cohesive color scheme throughout your home or office.

    Start with a Color Palette

    Before selecting colors, developing a color palette that will guide your choices is essential. Choose a few key colors you want to use throughout your space, then select complementary shades and accents. This will help create a consistent and cohesive look throughout your home or office. To start getting color ideas check out Dunn Edwards Perfect Color Palette.

    Consider the Mood and Function of Each Room

    When selecting colors for each room, consider the mood and function of the space. For example, calming blues and greens may be a good choice for a bedroom or meditation space, while energizing yellows and oranges may be better suited for a home gym or office. Make sure the colors you choose match the intended function and mood of the room.

    Use Accent Colors to Tie Everything Together

    Accent colors are a great way to tie together different spaces and create a cohesive color scheme. Choose a few accent colors that can be used throughout your home or office, such as a particular shade of blue or green. Use these accent colors in small touches, such as throw pillows or decorative accessories, to create a sense of flow and continuity.

    Use Neutrals to Ground the Space

    Neutrals are essential in creating a cohesive color scheme. They provide a neutral backdrop that allows your other colors to shine. Use neutral colors, such as beige, gray, or white, to ground the space and create a cohesive look throughout your home or office.

    Use Texture and Pattern to Add Interest

    Texture and pattern can add interest and depth to a cohesive color scheme. Use different textures and patterns to create contrast and add visual appeal. For example, a smooth velvet couch paired with a textured rug can add depth and dimension to a room.

    In conclusion, creating a cohesive color scheme throughout your home or office requires careful planning and consideration. By starting with a color palette, considering the mood and function of each room, using accent colors to tie everything together, grounding the space with neutrals, and using texture and pattern to add interest, you can create a visually appealing and harmonious environment that reflects your style and taste. Don’t wait another second, contact us today to schedule your free paint estimate

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