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The best way to paint your kitchen cabinets is to DIY it or hiring a painting company.  If you are going the DIY route, you can follow these steps to ensure that your kitchen cabinets are painted properly and achieve the best possible results. Here are some tips for painting kitchen cabinets:


      1. Start by carefully preparing the surfaces of the cabinets. This may include sanding, priming, and cleaning the covers to ensure the paint adheres properly and provides a durable and long-lasting finish.

      1. Choose the correct type of paint for your cabinets. Cabinet-grade paints are designed for cabinetry and are generally more durable and long-lasting than regular wall paint.

      1. Use high-quality brushes and rollers to apply the paint. Natural bristle brushes are best for oil-based paints, while synthetic brushes are best for water-based paints.

      1. Use light, even coats of paint, to avoid drips and runs. Allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next coat.

      1. Use a brush to paint the corners and edges of the cabinets and a roller to paint the flat surfaces. This will help ensure that the paint is applied evenly and smoothly.

      1. Consider applying a clear finish, such as a polyurethane or varnish, over the painted surfaces to protect the paint and add shine.

    There really is no one way fits all when it comes to the best way to paint your kitchen cabinets. Overall, painting kitchen cabinets can be a rewarding and satisfying project, but it can also be time-consuming and labor-intensive. By following these tips and using the right tools and materials, you can achieve a professional-looking finish that will enhance the appearance of your kitchen. Now if you’re feeling overwhelmed no worries, that’s why we’re here!  Contact Wall Works today to schedule your free estimate

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